Friday 30 October 2015

Dear S

Dear S,

I met with Sue today, I am not sure if you remember her. She suggested that I write to you. So here I am and here we are.

To be honest I am tired and not feeling much like talking to you. Spent the evening circling round a golden retriever puppy trying to work out who's boss, and I am not certain I came out the better from that confrontation. Then the time wrangling with blogger and the computer and I am about done. Yes there is a glass of red beside me. Maybe you have left that behind, but no judgement please.

I have so much to say and it is too much and not enough all at once. Like it will seem like a lie if I put it down on the screen.

Sue seems to think it is important that I write, so I will. That you remember the weight, and the pain. I am sorry if it too much to bear.